promote affiliate automation academy system


Hey it's Claude Buzizi Here...

And I'm thrilled you're here about our Affiliate Automation Academy Promotion.

Thanks to accidentally stumbling into E-Automation a few years ago, Claude was able to fire 2 bosses (you have to work twice as hard to pay the bills the traditional way) and start making $100 a day online despite not having any previous experience.

He went from being a help desk operator for users in a beer company in 2012 to building 100+ E-Automation business experiences in just over 8 years.

He then went on to produce dozens of sales funnels and helped brands start earning an income online through E-Automation for clients like Rush Foods Africa, The Client Attraction Code, and A Place of Light.

Today, Claude's passion and purpose lie in helping thought leaders and entrepreneurs translate their knowledge and wisdom into an E-Automation business that makes money and get results.

Not only has he spent the last 4 years proving the concept of E-Automation products (and their epic conversions 😉 but this year he's got A BRAND NEW! Simple 3-Step system to building multiple income streams using E-Automation even if you have never made a dime online and we know it's going to be even bigger.  

This year with $500 in cash prizes PLUS up to 100% & 50% commission payout, we're confident this will be one of the most fun and profitable launches you've ever promoted 🙂

ready to start promoting?

Step 1

Join our JV notification list. Required for contest prizes

Step 2

Grab Your Affiliate Link

commission structure

Frontend Price:


Full Funnel Value:




Max. $ Per Sale:


instant payouts

You won't have to wait long to get paid. Payments are made immediately via WarriorPlus at the point of sale, and every 30 days thereafter for payment plans.

introducing affiliate automation academy...

Affiliate Automation Academy is a brand new simple 3-step system that allows anyone to build multiple streams of income with E-automation even if you've never made a dime online!

Claude Buzizi

Affiliate Automation Academy

what's included?

Done-For-You affiliate sales funnels in the hottest niche markets so that ANYONE can have a new affiliate business up and running quickly.
Professionally written follow-up messages so that users of the system never have to figure out what/how to do copywriting.
Complete setup of the entire system so that even newest "non-techie" person can see results quickly.
Easily builds an email list (the most valuable asset an internet marketer can have)
Weekly coaching and access to a private Facebook group (so you're in business FOR yourself but not BY yourself).
Three hour core training, with formulas, checklists and worksheets + 3 hours bonus training.

want to see exactly what you will be promoting?

Watch The Official Program Demo

Here's Everything Your People are getting for only $9.95!

Your people will not only get the best E-Automation training on the planet, they can actually duplicate our E-Automation system. That means high sales, happy customers and big commissions.

front end - affiliate automation academy blueprint

All students get an 89-page Interactive Blueprint  that will teach them how to build a large responsive email list & how to set up unlimited number of AUTOMATED internet income streams that grow over time.

sale price


your commission


But I didn’t stop there.

I'm also going to ethically bribe your people to get started fast by throwing in $7,914 worth of fast action bonuses.

$2,000 VALUE

priority support

We’ve got a strict no student left behind policy.

If you have any questions, you can email or call us.

I employ a dedicated support staff just so you have someone to talk to when you need them.

Expect fast replies to your emails with specific "do this, do that" advice.

This fast action bonus is worth $2,000 because that’s how much I pay my support staff to be there for you.

Included with your order!


25 Super affiliate e-automation guide

Let me make you proficient at using E-Automation without all the boring technical details.

You can think of it as a crash course in driving without having to bother with understanding engines, transmissions, fuel injection, and cooling systems.

Just the essentials!

This exclusive fast action bonus is not available anywhere else.

Included with your order!

$997 VALUE

claude's secret automated traffic rolodex

The more your E-Database grows, the more money you will make.

Getting lots of email addresses into your E-Automation business is the key to making big money with E-Automation.

Inside my affiliate automation academy blueprint, I show you how to look for buyer traffic you can use to flood your E-Automation business with responsive email addresses by the thousands.

Inside this bonus I'm giving you access to 5 of my most used instant automated traffic sources I use to promote affiliate offers.

I'm shaving dozens of hours of research off your learning curve.

Included with your order!

$1,997 VALUE

done-for-you income streams rolodex

Would you like to use the same high-paying done-for-you income streams I do to profit with my e-Automation business?

Then you’re going to love this fast-action bonus.

Maximize your income by using the top done-for-you income streams. Get paid more money in less time. 

I'm sharing my treasure chest of affiliate offers that pay anywhere from 497 to 1,997 per sale. These offers aren't available to the general public.

You don’t have to invest hours into research or go through trial and error to discover the best income streams. I’ve done it for you.

Included with your order!

$997 VALUE

5 day list building challenge

Super email affiliates make money by mailing e-letters with done-for-you income streams.

Most done-for-you income streams come with pre-written e-letters you can use.

Some e-letters work well. Some don't. That's why I developed the 5-Day List Building Challenge where I break down the exact strategy I use to build a high profit email list in 5 days.

This fast action bonus is easily worth $997, but I won’t charge you a penny. 

Included with your order!

upsell #1 - AFFILIATE AUTOMATION ACADEMY masterclass

Unlike anything that exists, your affiliate automation academy masterclass buyers will get the same E-Automation system we use to absolutely crush it on 3 of the largest affiliate networks (Warrior plus, ClickBank, JVZoo) - (fully customizable)

sale price


your commission



Buyers are going to be presented with a payment plan if they don't buy upsell #1.

sale price

$39 X 2

your commission


upsell #2 - MEGA D4Y E-automation system 

After being asked by students & clients for 5 years how they could build an E-Automation affiliate system just like ours, or hearing “I would buy this in a heartbeat if it came with the tech, “Claude finally built The D4Y E-Automation affiliate system – the world’s High-Converting Automated Affiliate Sales Funnel… and it’s HOT.

D4Y E-Automation system Buyers will not only get FREE 200 Targeted clicks sent to their affiliate system, we’ll build their E-Automation system for them. If anyone buys from your affiliate link, you'll be paid handsomely for the referral.

sale price


your commission


NOTE: This is an evergreen funnel for you to earn from! 

earn up to $536,975.00 per sale!

Hear from our happy Customers

I'm certain if your people follow my system to a “t”, they too can become a proud owner of a profitable E-Automation business like Susan (a 70 years old grand mother) from Massachusetts, US who is making money with E-Automation even though she didn't think she could do it before she discovered my system.

"Through the years, I had been wasting time, wasting financial resources, and getting nowhere. Then I heard about Claude’s program. I did some research then applied. My students call me their spiritual energy mentor - been doing this for a long time, but only recently realized I have no expertise in generating leads! (not sure how the students and clients have been finding the center for the past 18 years, mostly through Meetup and word-of-mouth, I am thinking.) But E-Automation is an entirely different ball game. My business is growing by leaps and bounds. All of my income is generated online. I couldn’t have done it without Claude.”

-susan gale

English Teacher

Disclaimer: your results may vary

And like Carolyn from UK, who is effortlessly making passive income for just 2 hours of effort from her E-automation business whenever she feels like it…

"Before meeting Claude, I tried over a dozen online opportunities that didn't work. I needed something I could do in the mornings or at night. I was blown away by how E-Automation could automate my business and make passive income effortlessly, allowing me to enjoy more free time."

-carolyn shadrach

EPM success Coach

Disclaimer: your results may vary

And like John Thornhill ClickBank Platinum Vendor, who hired us to build his E-Automation Affiliate System...

"The Master Of Automation - If you want to learn from someone how to convert free leads into big-spending paying customers in the make money online space using automation, I can’t recommend Claude enough. Claude is the absolute master when it comes to E-Automation. Any chance you got to work with Claude - grab it, not only will you build multiple streams of income with E-Automation, but you will learn a lot in the process"

-John thornhill

clickbank platinum vendor

Disclaimer: your results may vary

Your audience will love you for bringing them this offer and I look forward to receiving more of your audience testimonial like the one I got from Denise (60 years old - english teacher)....

These are just a few people I've helped to get into E-Automation without any previous experience using my proven system.

what students get?

Affiliate Automation Academy Masterclass

Wildly Profitable E-Automation System To Huge Affiliate Commissions

phase 1 - build your cash machine

I know you're busy. That's why I condensed everything you need to know to be successful with E-Automation. With the templates I provide here, you're able to get up and running in Just a few simple steps.

phase 2 - laying the foundation

You're ready to download our exact E-Automation System that generates massive leads and super affiliate income. 10,000+ hours of work in a few clicks.

phase 3 - launch your multi profit funnel

In this section you'll install your done-for-you automated commission generated system and watch the magic happen! I'll give you exactly what you need to maximize your income on every subscriber.

phase 4 - 5 profit-maximizing follow ups

With nearly a dozen pre-built tools inside your E-Automation system to help you generate buyer leads, I'll show you fastest path to massive growth.

phase 5 - get unlimited leads & affiliate sales!

At this point you'll be receiving passive traffic and generating new leads & huge affiliate commissions. After we put the finishing touches on your reliable commission generating system, driving new traffic is so easy you can do it from your smartphone!

top 6 reasons to promote affiliate automation academy

valuable offer

It's a quality product that ACTUALLY does what it promises.

proven funnel

We're constantly optimizing for conversions

big commission checks + over $500 in cash & prizes

Our goal is to make this hands down the most fun and most profitable launch you've ever promoted. After all, you're partnering with us not only to share some highly valuable content with your audience... but to make BIG MONEY in the process 🙂 You'll earn up to $572.50 on each Affiliate Automation Academy you refer... 

bullet proof tracking

Our affiliate program is managed in warrior plus and all leads are hard-coded. In other words, when you refer a student to Affiliate Automation Academy, you can rest assured that your account (and your commissions) will reflect that!

student results

I personally promote my students’ launches by buying their first 100 targeted clicks to their commission generating system for free, so your customers are guaranteed to see results if they complete the program.

robust follow-up

Once your promotion ends, any leads that don't buy will be added to a proven follow-up sequence that offers some of my lower-ticket products for sale. Every email will contain your affiliate link to help you maximize your commissions.

Plus we have an incredible '30-days risk-free' no questions asked guarantee

risk free for 30 days guarantee

Your students are protected under our 30 days risk-free guarantee -- if they take the affiliate automation academy masterclass and yet don't make their first affiliate sale in the next 30 days (or sooner), we'll make up the difference. They don’t need to prove they’ve tried to implement, they don’t need to justify anything or go through an interrogation - They can literally just say “I don’t want it anymore” and we’ll buy it back from them no questions asked!

This guarantee always gets more students to say yes -- which means more impact and more money in your pocket.

grab your promo images below

Image #1
image #2
image #3
Image #4
image #5

image #1

Right click and save image to use!

image #2

Right Click And Save Image To Use!

image #3

Right Click And Save Image To Use!

image #4

Right Click And Save Image To Use!

Image #5

Right Click And Save Image To Use!

get Done for you email swipes

We have put together a wide range of high-converting promotional email swipes for you. We strongly recommend using the ideas in our emails to write to your audience in your own voice. Take a look to find the angle that suits your list.

💰TOPIC: Presell (Send Monday November 14th)


Happening tomorrow... seriously don't miss out!

NEW: Get an ‘Early Bird’ discount on affiliate automation academy 

Affiliate Automation Academy’s finally available at 9AM EST tomorrow



Do you have a Website or a Blog?

Are you struggling for leads and sales?

You’re not the only one.

So many Website owners struggle to convert their visitors into leads & sales.

Trying to fix your site’s conversion rate could take months of hard work.

It could also burn through thousands of dollars you simply don’t have.

But what if it doesn’t need to take so long?

And what if it doesn’t need to be so darn expensive?

I’m genuinely excited to announce the long-awaited arrival of a brand NEW simple 3-step system to building multiple streams of inkom with E-Automation even if you’ve never made a dime online…

..something that doesn’t require technical skills, no content and no guesswork.

Affiliate Automation Academy covers how average people of all ages and education backgrounds are using E-Automation to earn passive inkom from their laptops… without an office, a commute, taking big financial risks or harassing friends and family…

In fact, E-Automation is one of the greatest money-making opportunities of our generation - it’s so lucrative, even so-called gurus are turning to it to make passive inkom outside of the social media spotlight.

But you don’t need fame and notoriety to make money with E-Automation. 

The doors to Affiliate Automation Academy open tomorrow morning at 9AM EST.

If you’re there when the doors open, you can lock-in a special, ‘early bird’ discount.

This is the important link to use tomorrow to lock-in your ‘early bird’ discount..

I’ll make sure I send you an email tomorrow morning the minute the doors open..

..so you can get in at the lowest price possible.

Speak to you tomorrow!


💰 TOPIC: E-Gurus (Send Day 1 - November 15th)


It's live - Affiliate Automation Academy 

BRAND NEW: simple 3-step system to building multiple streams of income using E-Automation!

Never revealed before affiliate automation 3-step system


In my research, I have found that gurus and social media influencers are increasingly turning to this brand-new method to generate passive income.

Best part?

You don’t need fame or notoriety to make a lot of the green stuff with it.

The method is effective no matter your age, ethnicity, or educational background.

No need to take fainanshul rysks or annoy family and friends.

You can find all the important details in a short presentation I created.

“Thanks, [FIRST NAME], I’m going through the presentation now”


💰TOPIC: Social Media: Good or Bad? (Send Day 2)


does social media work for affiliate marketers?

social media: good or bad?


Are social media marketing strategies effective for affiliate marketers?

In the opinion of my friend Claude, not so much.


Because, after starting out completely broke, Claude was chasing gold at the end of the social media rainbow and he was obsessed with monetizing Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for several years.

He even created a WordPress blog where he documented his journey and all that jazz, but abandoned it 8 months later with thousands of long-tail-keyword optimized posts.

Surprisingly, after giving up social media marketing and switching to what Claude describes in this video, everything in his life changed.

Claude's experience is something I can relate to. I spent countless hours researching methods on the internet. There were some that were too expensive and too difficult to attempt.

Some didn't work at all.

I always wished there was an easier way and hate to think of how much time and money I wasted.

All along, it was right under my nose


💰TOPIC: Recession-Proof Yourself (Send Day 3)


recession-proof yourself


In these challenging times, I would like to extend some encouragement and support.

People are scared to death by this Coronavirus. It’s been especially scary for those who only have one source of income.

You have two choices if you're one of those people...

1. Sit back and hope for the best

2. Recession-proof yourself by making moves.

It is times like these that can make or break your financial future. Now is the time for something that...

A. Doesn’t require human contact and 

B. Put you in FRONT of a trend (there’s no time to play catch up)

I got something for you…

I’m hosting a free presentation explaining what I consider to be one of the most exciting interweb trends of the decade right now…

You can start making 100, 300, and even 1,000 a day from home or while traveling the world using automation and the creator is going to teach you how to do this with… ZERO TECH SKILLS NEEDED.

It’s worth checking out.

It’s definitely a little different, so keep an open mind. You owe it to yourself to see this.

Stay safe and remember, tough times don’t last SMART people do.


💰TOPIC: What's inside AAA (Send Day 4)


What's inside affiliate automation academy blueprint?


When you get the super affiliate automation academy blueprint before the deadline (see this page for details on how much time you got left), you receive 99% discount on the full price compare to what other people have paid to get this blueprint.

I wanted to give you a heads up about that, so you could get it if you still haven’t.

The affiliate automation academy blueprint covers the following points:

– Simple 3-step system to building multiple strims of eenkum (misspelled on purpose) from your laptop

– Best way to bring the dinero for piplz who don’t have “interweb mrakting” skills

– Where to find high paying done-for-you inkom streams as well as the inkom streams that pay weekly or monthly residual inkum.

– How to meyk hundreds and even thousands of doIIars a day without a web page or a soxial media

– How to create a 2nd streem of inkum (misspelled on purpose) in addition to your job or pension in your spare time

– How to set up multiple streams of inkom from day one

- How to put together your E-Automation funnel from scratch without any technical experience

- How to build a huge email audience (full of people dying to receive offers in their inbox) within weeks and not years

- How to send e-letters to your entire audience at the push of a button so you can work smart

- How to collect your email addresses into an email automation software

- How to make money with your E-Automation business by partnering with brands who will give you done-for-you income streams for free

- How to make munee with your E-Automation business by partnering with brands who will give you done-for-you income streams for free

- How to set up automatic e-letters to be sent to every new email address who joins your E-Automation without you touching anything so you can make automated income

- How to automate your E-Automation funnel to make passive income and enjoy more free time

- How to build your email list faster with your E-Automation business and with less money

- How to build a capture page that converts at 30%+ optin rate.

- What to say in your e-letters to get people to open them

Plus, you also get these bonuses:

1) 25 Super Affiliate Automation Tips Guide ($2,000 value) - how to use E-Automation without all the boring technical details.

2) Private Traffic Rolodex (997 Value) - five instant automated traffic sources you can use to flood your E-Automation business with responsive email addresses by the thousands.

3) Done For You Income Streams ($1,997 value) - don’t know what to promote? Maximize your income by using the top done-for-you income streams. Get paid more money in less time. (no research needed here)

4) 6 Months of Free Coaching (2,582 value) - coaching calls with Claude, email support, mastermind access and a phone support hotline.

5) 90 Minute Online Webclass Training (297 value) - Claude will reveal the anatomy of a high converting E-Automation affiliate super-funnel he uses to build his email list at a profit with cold traffic...By the end of this class you'll have so many of your questions answered. Watch it twice!


The 5-Day List Building Challenge is yours free, when you get the affiliate automation academy blueprint on this page.

This is the most comprehensive bonus package that Claude has ever put together. All in all you’re getting $6,620 in value to help you build multiple streams of inkum and drive quality leads faster and cheaper than before.

“Yes, [YOUR NAME], Tell Me More!”

Talk soon,


💰TOPIC:  d4y inkum strims (Send Day 5)


d4y inkum strims 



There are two types of affiliates in the world. Those who know how to cherrypick offers that convert and those who don’t know how to do it.

In the make money online space, it is so typical for the so-called eggspert gurus to suggest looking for offers in passionate markets and testing them with paid traffic. You're basically being told to throw some money at a wall and see if anything sticks.

This trap is unfortunately common among beginners and it does not work.

In addition to his system, Claude developed a rolodex of done for you inkum streams… as well as the income streams that pay weekly or monthly residual income.

You don’t need a website, a social media following or ever picking up the phone.

Get more details about the system

Talk soon,


💰TOPIC: 7 Reasons To Join AAA (Send Day 6 - Closing)


7 Reasons to join affiliate automation academy in the next 7 hours


Would you like Claude to coach you to become a super-affiliate, just like he did for his clients who paid him a high mentoring fee, but without charging you an arm and a leg?

Visit this page for more details

Here are 7 reasons to visit this page in the next 7 hours to take advantage of the 99% discount on the Affiliate Automation Academy super-affiliate blueprint:

1. Because you’re getting 6 exclusive bonuses collectively worth 6,620 you’d otherwise would never be able to access, because these come out of my private vault. This is the most generous bonus package I've ever put together for affiliate marketers. These bonuses are going to help you:

 â€˘ get you “done for you” income streams to promote immediately (no market research)

 â€˘ get you 5 instant automated traffic source to promote affiliate offers.

 â€˘ get you help and coaching for 6 months

2. Because by choosing to say “No” to this package, you’re saying “Yes” to confusion, overwhelm, financial losses, time loss, sacrificing time with family, delaying your dream life, and most importantly - you’re saying “no” to freedom.

3. Because other affiliate marketing gurus don’t teach this. Many don't teach this because they don't know. Many don't teach this because they're fake gurus and they're not really successful. Few who know these secrets are too busy making wads of commissions to teach it to random people on the internet.

4. Because chances of you succeeding on your own are slim. Chances are you're going to continue to stay stuck in limbo, somewhere between YouTube videos and rehashed courses that aren't worth the megabytes they are hosted on.

5. Because it’s will save you a lot of time and money.

6. Because I'm showing you how to get quality traffic to your affiliate offers.

You’ve got 7 more hours to decide whether or not you’d like to take this shortcut dealio before it expires.

When ready to make a decision, visit this page to sign up


Curious WHO supports our launches?


John thornhill


dave nicholson


Randolf Smith


Chris Munch


Kevin Fahey


dawud islam





Claude Buzizi

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the AAA Launch, please contact Claude directly.



Thank you

My team and I are beyond excited by the opportunity to share the power of "E-Automation Funnels" with your audience. We're confident this will be one of the most impactful launches for your audience while also being one of the most fun and profitable launches you've ever promoted.

Affiliate Automation Academy will completely transform the way they generate their buyer leads and affiliate sales so they can get off the marketing treadmill, make more sales and have an even greater impact than they ever thought possible.

Thank you for helping us to make an even bigger impact with this work.


Founder, Buzizi DigiProfits

next step...

click the button below to get started now, and let's do this...


OR CALL US AT +32 (489) 14 99 88

2024 Š Buzizi DigiProfits - VAT BE 0782.725.563 - All Rights Reserved. - Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy 

Rue Saint-Valentin, 6061 Charleroi, Belgium

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: "Buzizi DigiProfits" and associated free training are NOT considered an income or business opportunity according to the Business Opportunity Rule § 437.1m; “that advertising and general advice about business development and training shall not be considered as ‘providing locations, outlets, accounts, or customers.’”. In good faith, Buzizi DigiProfits is providing a One-Page Disclosure Document for purposes of consumer transparency.

MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING: This business is NOT advertising a multi-level marketing or network marketing firm, as it does not fit the Koscot test under FTC law. Any individual, without any payment by participants, can become a part of the referral program by creating an account online here. Case reference: Koscot Interplanetary, Inc., 86 F.T.C. 1106, 1181 (1975).

FRANCHISE: This business is NOT a franchise, as it fails the Beale’s Franchise Rule Test (Page 50, Franchise Definition) by neither: (1) permitting use of trademarks, (2) imposing significant control, or providing significant assistance to the business, (3) charging a required payment.

EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT: Buzizi DigiProfits is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals. We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.

INCOME DISCLAIMER : This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of the company's or the presenter's own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Buzizi DigiProfits makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site or training material, that you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.