look into your affiliate marketing
Chances are, you’re attempting to build your affiliate marketing business with no outside help. At best, you’re watching free YouTube videos that leave you confused about what to do next.
For a limited time, we’re handing out free affiliate audits to committed affiliate marketers who don’t have anyone to talk to about the problems they’re facing. These audits come with no strings attached and work as follows.
You’ll book a 30-minute call with a real super-affiliate who made 6-figures online or more, personally trained by Igor. You’ll answer some questions about your situation, previous affiliate experience, budget and dream income. Based on your answers, you’ll be provided with an audit of what you’re doing wrong and what you need to do to get affiliate marketing to work for you.
Then you can choose to either go and implement the prescription on your own or ask me and my team to help you by providing hand holding, guidance, coaching and support for you. This additional support is not free and there is no obligation for you to accept our help, if you don’t want to, for any reason.
Because with the uprise of fake gurus in recent years, it’s gotten really hard to figure out who’s real and who isn’t. So-called eggsperts who have no business (or credentials) teaching people how to build online businesses publish a ton of misleading advice that ends up hurting you! You need someone to tell it to you straight. No sugarcoating.
Besides hooking you up with a free diagnostics call, I’m also ethically bribing you with a free "$497-value gift" - a step-by-step guide on finding and cherry picking high converting affiliate offers + 3 specific offers I'm promoting right now that I never publicly revealed before.
I want you to have it just for attending the free coaching call. Why? Because I want you to walk away with an absolute highest chance of success from the upcoming call.
When I first tell people about the free mentoring call, the first thing they ask me "what's the catch? Are you going to try and sell me something?" My answer: yes, but only if you insist we sell you something.
Typically, after someone attends a free coaching call and gets a customized marketing plan, about 10% of people say thank you and proceed to execute the plan we give them with great success. I love reading their emails saying how this free coaching call turned things around them.
At the same time, about 40% of people say they're going to implement the plan, but end up doing nothing with it. For these people, this call is no different than any other "free education" they do nothing with. They experience no life change. No freedom.
Finally, the remaining 50% of people who we talk to ask us to help them implement the plan we give them, because they need additional guidance beyond just information similarly to how having a fitness trainer helps lose weight faster than just hitting the gym once a week. Personal trainer not only holds you accountable to your diet but also comes up with an exercise regimen unique to your body type and your goals. These people end up becoming our clients and success stories down the road.
You’re applying to get mentoring on becoming one of Claude's email super affiliate so you can make money promoting private high-ticket webinars and at the same time building a high profit email list of your own. If accepted, you’ll learn how to “buy low, sell high” in order to pocket a reasonable profit reselling thousands of clicks each week.
You will be able to manage most of the process from your smartphone, but you need a laptop or a computer to start the business. You will be required to put in a part-time effort in a form of small time chunks throughout your day/week, because it’s a 1-Email/day service business model and you will be dealing directly with your buyer prospects (mostly through email, no phone). Besides the mentoring fee (discussed during the interview, if you’re a fit), you will need $100-$300 in start-up cash capital one-time.
This mentoring program is a paid mentoring program. If allowed to enroll, just like Claude’s other students who went on to become email successes, you will happily pay to be taught the fastest and most profitable way to build your email marketing business. You will be making this investment knowing you’re saving time, money, mistakes and embarrassment you’d otherwise experience if you were to do it on your own. If you’re a diligent student who can follow instructions, a few months down the road you’ll be reporting how this mentoring was the most profitable investment you’ve ever made. If you’re a work-shy student with a substandard work ethic, then you will not benefit from this mentoring and you shouldn’t join, to free up a spot for someone who will.
If you are allowed to enroll during your interview, you will be presented with the mentoring program details and levels. You may choose to join the level that fits you most. You may also choose to not join. We may choose to decline your application and refund your deposit at any time.
Some of Claude’s students experience breakthrough within just a couple of days. Many report nearly full-time incomes after just a few weeks of following the mentoring program. Some, however, report no results at all. If all get the same mentoring, training, support, strategy and handholding (the only common denominator), you may conclude individual effort is really important and can play a crucial role in your success. So you better bring your A-game. By submitting your mentoring application, you’re making a statement that you believe you have what it takes to be successful under the right mentor and with the right system.
We are firm believers in the irrefutable law of sowing and reaping. What you put in is what you get out. It applies to your mentoring experience in two ways. 1st, by becoming a paid mentoring client, similar to how doctors go to med school and lawyers go to law school, you’re qualifying to become a professional internet marketer (professional = someone who makes a living doing it). This is your rite of passage. 2nd, you can’t charge your clients full price, if you don’t pay full price yourself. By submitting the mentoring fee, you’re giving yourself permission to charge your clients the fair fees you deserve to be paid without guilt. You’re becoming authentic and ethical in every way.
If either you or us decide it’s not a good fit to work together, you'll get a free "$497-value gift" - a step-by-step guide on finding and cherry picking high converting affiliate offers + 3 specific offers I'm promoting right now with success just for attending the call, as our way of saying thanks for taking the time to talk.
EPM Success Coach
"I was amazed at how you can use chatbots to grow your business when I joined Leads Accelerator Formula program. Claude was able to show us how to actually use chatbots to drive people to our businesses."
60 Years Old - English Teacher
"Once again claude, you have been a life saver for me. I just feel like a whole burden has been lifted out from my shoulders. Thank you from the bottomo of my heart for being so generous and so giving."
review and agree to the terms above and follow the instructions on the next page to pencil yourself into our affiliate coaches busy schedule this week.
""Most importantly, he meets deadline deadlines. Bravo!!!""
Ahmed Shiraz
"Claude is the go-to guy when it comes to helping businesses find success online "
Carine Kuza
" I've personally experienced how powerful his strategies can be"
Ali Naeem
Free 'no Obligation' audit Call
2024 © Buzizi DigiProfits - VAT BE 0782.725.563 - All Rights Reserved.
Rue Saint-Valentin, 6061 Charleroi, Belgium
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: "Buzizi DigiProfits" and associated free training are NOT considered an income or business opportunity according to the Business Opportunity Rule § 437.1m; “that advertising and general advice about business development and training shall not be considered as ‘providing locations, outlets, accounts, or customers.’”. In good faith, Buzizi DigiProfits is providing a One-Page Disclosure Document for purposes of consumer transparency.
MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING: This business is NOT advertising a multi-level marketing or network marketing firm, as it does not fit the Koscot test under FTC law. Any individual, without any payment by participants, can become a part of the referral program by creating an account online here. Case reference: Koscot Interplanetary, Inc., 86 F.T.C. 1106, 1181 (1975).
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EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT: Buzizi DigiProfits is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals. We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.
INCOME DISCLAIMER : This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of the company's or the presenter's own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Buzizi DigiProfits makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site or training material, that you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.